iClicker Cloud: Exporting/Pushing Grades to Canvas

Exporting/Pushing iClicker Cloud Grades to Canvas

Grades in iClicker can either be directly pushed to the Canvas gradebook of the Canvas course you have linked to your iClicker course, or they can be exported to a CSV file.

Canvas Integration Settings

When iClicker Cloud grades are pushed to Canvas, the way in which they appear in the Canvas gradebook depends on your settings in iClicker. To check or change these settings:

  1. Go to instructor.reef-education.com Links to an external site. and login to your iClicker Cloud account.
  2. Click on the name of the iClicker course that you would like to push grades from.
  3. Click on the Settings option in the menu at left.
  4. Along the top of the page, click on the Integrations tab.
  5. See below for a description of the settings, then remember to click Save in the top right corner to save your changes.
The integration settings on the iClicker website

To be able to push grades to Canvas, you must have Grade Sync Integration switched ON and you must have a Canvas course linked to your iClicker course. If you do not see that your Canvas course is connected, refer to iClicker Cloud: Getting Started for instructions on how to link your Canvas and iClicker courses.

There are two options for how grades will appear in the Canvas gradebook, click on them below for more information on each:

To learn more about iClicker, contact ctl.helpdesk@ubc.ca.

UBC Okanagan Centre for Teaching and Learning iClicker Cloud Directory

Updated December 2020