1. Hot Temperature Hazards

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One of the best things about Spikeball is the fact that it can be easily transported and can be played at any time, on grass, turf, or sand! With this, comes the issue of varying weather conditions, the temperature being a major factor on gameplay and safety.



Image result for spikeball

Image Source: Obtained from www.Amazon.caLinks to an external site. March 12, 2019

Most Spikeball players are fair-weather players, and will only play when it is sunny out. Individual Spikeball games do not last for long periods of time, around 10-15 minutes, however, a tournament may last an entire after and during these sunny days it is important to be aware of the temperature.


i) Dehydration: Hot weather causes you to sweat, this effect is increased during physical exertion. it is important to stay hydrated before, during, and after your Spikeball matches to maintain your physical health and also your athletic performance.


Image result for dehydration sports

Image Source: Obtained from www.Stack.comLinks to an external site. March 12, 2019

Link (Sport Cardiology BC)Links to an external site.


ii) Heatstroke: Heatstroke occurs as a result of your body overheating. It can be thought of as a more severe, prolonged form of dehydration. Formally, the temperature at which your body should be at to have endured heatstroke is 40LaTeX: ^\circC. The danger of heatstroke are its' symptoms, including vomiting, disruption in mental functioning, and high body temperature.


Image result for heat stroke

Image Source: Obtained from www.scientificanimations.comLinks to an external site. March 12, 2019

Link (Mayo Clinic)Links to an external site.


iii) Safety Measures: Similar safety measures can be implemented to reduce the chance of either of these conditions from occurring. These include: 

  • Drinking plenty of water or electrolyte-rich fluids. This will replenish the fluids and minerals in your body that are lost as a result of sweating and dehydration.
    • It is important to drink water during your games. This is a mistake a lot of people make, usually because they are too focused but it will impact your athletic performance.
  • Spending 15 minutes in the shade every hour.
  • Wearing sunscreen (especially useful to preventing burning)
  • Remove excess clothing as to not overheat (but not everything, most fields are public places)
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