Know Before you Go! A Checklist

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Here's a handy dandy checklist that's going to help you plan the perfect shoot.

Step 1: What kind of shot do you want?

This can be a very vague picture in your head. What sort of backdrop do you want? Does your ideal picture require the presence or absence of a weather condition (i.e. fog, rain, clear skies, etc.)

Step 2: Where are you going?

Oftentimes, you'll already have a specific place in mind, in which case, move on to step 3. If you don't know exactly where you can find such a shot though, it's always useful to start with Google Images - finding existing shots of places can point you towards a destination. 

Step 3: What's the weather normally like?

Knowing if there's recurring weather is important to knowing whether or not your shot will work, and doing this research beforehand will give important context to your readings of localized forecasts. It might be harder to find precipitation in a desert, for example. Using some of the resources in the Helpful Links section will help you to get a feel for what your destination is like.

Step 4: Plan your journey!

Check out the localized forecasts, and combine that knowledge with your understanding of what the weather is normally like. Plan for the day(s) and time that you'll be there, and most importantly, don't forget to plan for a way back! Gotta make it back to share your awesome shots.


Good luck out there, you! Photography rewards the patient - so cut down on the time you need to spend waiting in case of bad conditions.

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