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Hiking is a great way to excercise for those who don't enjoy the gym. It is fun and allows you to better connect with nature and the environment. There are many beautiful trails all over the lower mainland, but I especially enjoy the trails in places like Chilliwack and Abottsford. It is a great way to take a break from day to day stresses from life and it can be very therapeutic. However, in certain condition hiking can lead to serious injury and in severe cases even death. This portfolio will highlight the proper conditions conducive to a good hiking environment. As well as the equipment and resources required to have the best experience possible!

Lindeman Lake Hike In Chilliwack - World Adventurists

source: https://worldadventurists.com/lindeman-lake-hike/Links to an external site.

My favourite place to hike before the pandemic hit was Lindamen lake. It filled with exquisute scenery and the water in the lake is crystal clear. The trail can be a bit steep and hard at times but it is good for any hiker looking for a challenge. Just be careful where you step because there a lot of rocks and roots that can trip you. My dog/ hiking partner, Zuko, also really enjoys going there. As well as all the other beautiful trails Chilliwack has to offer.


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