To Plant, or not to Plant?

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Here are some questions to consider before planting or while caring for plants:


Question: Answer:

1. Do forecasts predict lengthy periods of rain and wind? 

If yes, it is only safe to plant if extra precautions are taken. If rain is present but not heavy, be sure to prep plants with a preventative fungicide to keep stems fresh. Consider covering the pots with buckets to protect flowers from shaking and from being over-watered. Also, be sure to remove any dead leaves or roots to prevent infections. 

Recall from Weather Hazards section:  if the wind is above 30 miles (48 km) per hour, it will damage the flower!

2. Is the weather mostly sunny for the season you are planting in? 

If yes, GOOD to go for planting. To avoid rotting, be sure flowers are not under direct sun for elongated periods of time. Changing their position and location is highly recommended.

3. Are you in or expecting a period of drought?

AVOID planting! Your plants have a low change of even growing as water will be sucked out of the soil by the atmosphere. Even they do sprout, the sun will burn them out.

4. Are you approaching the winter season, with colder weather on the way? 

Temperatures below freezing are usually BAD flowers. But luckily, perennials exist (flowers that regrow in the spring and do not die off). While it will take a while for them to bloom, it will definitely be worth the wait! 

5. What if I live somewhere where it snows a lot? Is it still safe to keep my flowers out?

Yes! In fact, snow that covers plants insulates them from external cold temperatures. This prevents the soil from freezing. Note: if the snow is excessive, you may need to cover the plant to avoid the extra moisture. 

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