Course Syllabus


Here is the course syllabus (the same file, two different formats):

PHIL 102 syllabus, Spring 2019 (MS Word)

PHIL 102 syllabus, Spring 2019 (PDF)

To see specifics on what to read/do for each week, go to the "modules" page (also available on the left menu).

Course site on UBC Blogs

Some assignments need to be done on our blog site--see "Course site on UBC Blogs" on the left menu here on this Canvas site.

Help with philosophy reading and writing

Here is a page with links to help with reading and taking notes on philosophy texts.

Here is a page with advice on writing philosophy and also on how to cite correctly (and avoid plagiarism).

Mind map of course

Below is a mind map of the course topics. You can also access a jpeg of this course mind map that you could make larger to see better!

Mind map of how the topics in the course work together


Credit for image at the top of the page: Image of Socrates is from: Bust of Socrates from the Louvre, by CherryX, licensed CC BY-SA 3.0, on Wikimedia Commons. The image with the words added, is licensed CC BY-SA 4.0 by Christina Hendricks.

Course Summary:

Date Details Due