Course Syllabus
Here is the course syllabus (the same file, two different formats):
PHIL 102 syllabus, Spring 2019 (MS Word)
PHIL 102 syllabus, Spring 2019 (PDF)
To see specifics on what to read/do for each week, go to the "modules" page (also available on the left menu).
Course site on UBC Blogs
Some assignments need to be done on our blog site--see "Course site on UBC Blogs" on the left menu here on this Canvas site.
Help with philosophy reading and writing
Here is a page with links to help with reading and taking notes on philosophy texts.
Here is a page with advice on writing philosophy and also on how to cite correctly (and avoid plagiarism).
Mind map of course
Below is a mind map of the course topics. You can also access a jpeg of this course mind map that you could make larger to see better!
Credit for image at the top of the page: Image of Socrates is from: Bust of Socrates from the Louvre, by CherryX, licensed CC BY-SA 3.0, on Wikimedia Commons. The image with the words added, is licensed CC BY-SA 4.0 by Christina Hendricks.
Course Summary:
Date | Details | Due |