Quiz: Barriers to Student Participation

  • Due No due date
  • Points 5
  • Questions 5
  • Time Limit None


Identify Next Steps

This exercise invites you to think about inclusive practices that address some barriers to participation that can exist for students – particularly for students who are members of groups impacted by systemic inequities.

Consider each practice below. All these practices are meant to increase course participation in a face-to-face environment.  Then select the group(s) of students who might be especially positively impacted by the practice.

Of course, many other students are likely to be positively impacted by these inclusive teaching practices. At the same time, these proposed practices are not all-encompassing, and may not be appropriate for all circumstances - solutions may depend on your course topic, classroom setup, and teaching style.  This is just a place to start thinking about your teaching and the impact you might have.

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