DAY 2: Overview

In this module, we will be exploring the concept of online blended learning further and looking at various formats that could be considered. You will have the opportunity to think about your teaching context and what approaches, strategies and technologies might be valuable for you to consider.

Learning Objectives

By the end of Day 2, you will be able to:

  • Articulate the strengths and drawbacks of both synchronous and asynchronous teaching;
  • Identify key aspects of your own course that could be effectively transitioned to an asynchronous approach;
  • Adopt various strategies to facilitate and engage students meaningfully online in the synchronous and asynchronous environments. 


Guiding Questions

Consider the following questions:

  • When, why and how synchronous and asynchronous teaching are best used in your course?
  • How could you combine them and based on what criteria?
  • How will you facilitate a synchronous lecture? 
  • How will you engage student meaningfully online?


book (1).pngRead

Time: 15 Minutes



Time: 15 Minutes

Try one of the daily course development challenges. The goal of these challenges is to give you a chance to complete short activities to scaffold the changes that you are making to your design of teaching. 



Time: 10 Minutes

For the second reflection, you will reflect on the mix of synchronous and asynchronous teaching, and how they can support each other.