How AI is Changing Our Lives & What it Means for the Future

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Introduction: From Siri to Clippy, A.I. has been with us for decades. Meet the new generation of Artificial Intelligence that's been taking over and how it is shaping our world

A.I. is no longer a futuristic concept. It has been with us for decades and is now taking on new roles in the workplace, healthcare, and education sectors.

For instance, Clippy was a virtual assistant that was developed by Microsoft in the 1990s and was designed to answer questions about Microsoft Office programs such as Microsoft Word or Excel. Clippy's responses were often humorous, but it could also be annoying when it popped up at inappropriate times or gave irrelevant answers to simple questions.

The new generation of AIs are more flexible than their predecessors and can be used for multiple tasks without being exclusively programmed for one specific task like their predecessors were. They can also learn from interactions with humans which allows them to become more intelligent over time as they learn from mistakes and successes alike. You can learn more about machine learning and follow detailed tutorials from Jennifer Kwentoh’s blog.

Why The Future Will be Dominated by Machines

The future of artificial intelligence can be best described as a world where machines intelligence will be seen and used in almost every industry. Human society will be dominated by intelligent systems.

AI is already here and it will only get smarter in time. AI has many potential use cases that can help us solve problems such as climate change, cancer, and hunger. It has also been proven that AI can help us make better decisions in our life, which is why more and more people are using it for their everyday tasks.

What Will Happen to Humans in a World Filled With AI?

The debate of humans vs machines has been going on for centuries. But the argument is not whether machines will replace humans in the workforce. It is how to use AI and robots to complement human intelligence and give us more time to focus on tasks that we are best at.

How to Make Sure There will Still be Room for Human Creativity in the Age of Machines?

AI is not a replacement for human creativity, it is just a tool. It can help humans in the creative process and provide inspiration, but it will never be able to replace them. AI can't create new ideas and concepts that are not already programmed into it, so we should not worry about AI taking over the world of creativity.

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