This page provides you some of the very useful weather resources to look at before you take on your adventure. However, always remember that the reality may not be the same as the forecast suggested. Be prepared for the Worst Possible Situation based on the resource.
The SIGMET(significant meteorological information) provides you weather advisory that concerns safety of your flight. Be sure to check on the site for weather hazards on your flight route.
Here is a Significant Weather Prognostic Chart for the 700-400 hPa (FL100 to FL240). 12 hour forecast issued at 00 UTC valid on 2018 11 14 at 12 UTC.
Source: Accessed: Nov13th, 2018
This site provides you current weather information at your departure airports, destination airports, and other airports near your flight route. The weather reports are not graphic but instead are text that are reported hourly. Once on the site, click on the region on the map to obtain METAR for desired area.
Pay attention to SPECI which are special reports that are issued when weather changed significantly between the hour.
Source: Aviation Weather Center. Accessed: Nov13th, 2018
The TAF unlike METAR gives you information of the future weather in concern of your flight. Similarly, it is also in text form. Future weather forecast is also important for your flight as the current weather report as it helps you to make better decision in terms of flying or not flying.
Click on the your preferred region to obtain TAF report.
Source: Aviation Weather Canada. Accessed: Nov 13th, 2018