Are you planing on going on a hike?

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Down below is a checklist of some tips you should follow before going on any kind of hike, even if it is an easy trail. Being prepared is the best way to minimize any safety hazards. 



1. Do research on the trail. What is the difficulty like? Do you think you will be able to conquer it yourself? Do not underestimate it. Print out maps, and make sure you know exactly where you will be going, because not everywhere will have cell reception. 


2. Check the expected weather conditions. Check when sun-rise and sunset are. It is best to go early in the morning rather than later in the day, so you are not hiking in the dark. 


3. Using the expected weather conditions should help you decide what to pack for your hiking gear. Down below are some examples of what to pack:

  • Hiking boots
  • Rain jacket 
  • Extra clothing items (shirts, sweaters, socks, etc.) 
  • Sunhat/sunscreen
  • Waterbottle
  • Flashlight
  • Fire-making kit
  • First-aid kit
  • Bear spray


4. Always go hiking with a friend. It is even better if you go with a group of people. 

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