Trip Checklist

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Here is a trip checklist to follow so that your trip does not go downhill figuratively, but literally.

  1. Check the weather forecast to make sure you are up to date with the conditions
    1. Is the temperature too cold and are wind speeds too strong?
    2. Will there be chances of precipitation or snowfall?
    3. What will the cloud coverage be? Will it be clear skies which is great for skiing, or will there be overcast that may cause flat light?
    4. Has there been recent rain that could increase moisture in the air and cause fogs to limit visibility?
  2. Check the avalanche reports and forecast
    1. Are there any predicted avalanches that will occur because of the upcoming weather conditions?
    2. Have any recent concerning avalanches happened on the mountain you are heading to?
  3. Pack the appropiate clothing for the ski trip
    1. Will your clothing provide proper insulation for the temperature and wind?
    2. Do you have ski goggles that will protect you from blowing snow and light from the sun?
  4. Bring others along with your ski trip
    1. Can you rely on peers in case of someone getting lost or in case of emergency?
    2. Can your peers rely on you?
  5. Know your way around the area
    1. Do you have a map of the area of your ski trip and are you familiar with important locations with the region?
    2. Do you know how to read the ski signs and follow them?
  6. Have loads of fun!

Image result for dog skiing

Skiing doggo. Source: to an external site.. Accessed May 29, 2019.

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