Things to consider before attending or playing a soccer game
1. Check the weather forecast
Weather forecast can save your life, literally! Checking the weather will allow you to decide if you would like to cancel the game and it allows you to prepare early. If you check that the temperatures are very warm, you can prepare to bring lots of fluids to ensure you don't being dehydrated.
2. Clothing and gear
Cleats are a necessity. Not only will they prevent you from putting strain on your feet, they will reduce the risk of slipping and causing even more gruesome injuries. After checking the weather, you can decide what is best to wear in the predicted conditions. If it's cold, wear an extra layer of socks, not only will it keep you warm, it will allow you to feel your feet when kicking the ball. Also, invest in a snood. Not only do snoods make you look cool, they help prevent your face from freezing.

Photo by Ian Hodgson. URL: Captured May 16th, 2019.
3. Other tips
Remember to always perform a dynamic warm-up (not static)before playing. Warming up significantly reduces the risk of developing injuries and ensures you're ready to play. Also, remember to bring a healthy snack as a soccer game can be long and tiring.