Here are some weather hazards affecting hiking
1. Cold Temperature

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Hiking in cold temperature could pose a threat to one's health. Anyone who exposes to freezing temperature for long periods are likely to suffer from hypothermia and frostbite. Hypothermia occurs when your body temperature drops below 35°C; the heat that your body generates cannot support the heat that you lose. The best a hiker can do to avoid hypothermia is to stay warm, dry and hydrated. Water and food helps to rise the temperature back to normal more effectively. Another risk for hiking in cold weather is frostbite, a body injure caused by extremely cold temperature and icy wind. Frostbite is commonly found on areas of the body like fingers, ears, and nose that are often not covered properly. Thus, covering your skin is essential for safe cold-weather hiking.
2. Lightning

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Compared to other seasons of the year and times of the day, summer and afternoon are the times when thunderstorms mostly develop. For your safety, check the forecasts in advance if you would like to go hiking during these times. However, weather changes fast. When a sudden thunderstorm happens, the crucial concern for hikers on the trail is lightning; a lot of hikers are struck and killed by lightning every year. If you do get caught in a thunderstorm, you should stay away from high and open areas and try to make yourself as small as possible. In addition, lightning strikes could lead to wildfires which is so dangerous because it spreads very quickly. As a hiker, if the fire occurs near you, make sure you have an escape route, otherwise it is life-threatening.
3. Heavy Rain

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Precipitation is always an issue to people who loves outdoor activities. Rainfalls would make hiking more challenging and less enjoyable due to low visilibity and risks of hypothermia and avalanche. Heavy rains could result in decreased visibility and slippry surfaces, which are hazardous to hikers since it is more likely for them to get wet and injured by slipping. Owing to the strong cooling effect of rain, traveling with wet clothes in the cool air is sufficient to cause hypothermia. Moreover, the main concern of hiking on rainy days in winter is that rain on snow affects snow stability and increases the possibility of a wet slab avalanche when hiking in mountains. Thereby, if it rains heavily, cancel your trip and stay indoor.