How Weather can affect Landscape Photography

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As a hobby photographer myself, I always use the weather as a guide when I'm going to do some pre-planned landscape photography. The weather mostly only affects your photographs, but while rare, it can also be fatal or injurious to the photographer as well. 

Weather and Pictures


Who doesn't love a bright, sunny, and clear day? Landscape pictures can definitely be very beautiful if we encounter clear skies. Clear skies make the landscape visibility greater, versus a cloudy sky that obscures the visibility. This is not to say pictures don't look great with clouds, fog, or other kinds of obscuration. It is in the hands of the photographer to use the weather condition to their advantage.


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UBC Vancouver (2021). This was taken from Orchard Commons Residence on a cloudy day, the mountains tops aren't visible.

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UBC Vancouver (2021). This was taken on a clear day with less cloud coverage. The mountaintops are very clearly visible.


Golden Hour

You've probably heard of the term 'Golden Hour' at least once in your life. It is the time the sun comes up and/or goes down. It is a warm light that's emitted by the sun when it rises or sets that produces a glow that everyone loves. Golden hour can vary depending on cloud coverage, but knowing what time and direction it is going to happen will help you take beautiful pictures.

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Matara, Sri Lanka. (2016)



The space is filled with many stars and other celestial bodies that can account for guaranteed beautiful pictures. The thing with astrophotography is that you need clear skies, no rain, no precipitation, and no fog most of the time. It can still work if it is partly cloudy, so again this is in the photographer's hand.

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Sigiriya, Sri Lanka. (2020) This was taken on a cloudy day. Thankfully I checked the forecast, and after patiently waiting for the clouds to clear up, I managed to capture this. You can still see a cloud in the center of the picture though, haha.


Weather and the Photographer and Equipment

Lightning and Thunderstorms

We all know that lightning and thunderstorms can be dangerous. Most photographers go outdoors to do Landscape Photography. They might go into big open fields and under tall trees or other tall objects. Those kinds of places have a high risk of getting struck by lightning, so the photographer should always check the forecast for lightning as it can result in serious injury or even death if struck by lightning.

Storms usually occur with strong winds and may even turn into a tornado. Strings winds cause trees and other objects to start flying around, and if someone is outdoors during this time, they will get injured.

If the vision of the photographer included lightning, it's best to do it from indoors. 


Rain is not gonna cause injury to the photographer but it can be harmful to the photography equipment such as the camera body and lenses. Higher-end cameras and lenses might be waterproof, but most are not, and exposure to water can result in metal rusting. Cameras and equipment are costly, so one must ensure they don't get wet.

Even if the equipment is waterproof, raindrops that fall on the outside of the camera lens are an obscuration to the image, so it is always a good idea to check the rain forecast before planning an outdoor shoot.


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