Flying and traveling have always been resonating memories from the early years of my life. I was born in Vancouver, Canada, but before the age of 10, my family and I have relocated to numerous places such as Shanghai, Hainan Island, and Taiwan. Although my parents (especially my mom) always dread the idea of flying long distances, my brother and I always look forward to these long-haul flights (for some reason, we both love eating plane food). One of the destinations our family ended up relocating to was Taiwan. During my 3 year stay in Taiwan, we lived quite close to the Taoyuan international airport, where I slowly become even more fascinated with gigantic winged beasts that constantly soared overhead in the airspace.
Fast forward to the age of 18, my fascination with aviation has continued to grow, and this summer I finally decided to take a familiarization flight at Boundary Bay Airport. The sensation of piloting a plane thousands of feet above the ground in a Cessna 172 was one of the most exhilarating feelings I've ever experienced. I am determined to begin and complete my PPL by the end of summer next year, and possibly obtain a CPL afterward as well, making this lifelong passion of mine a potential career path.
Aviation is one of the fastest modes of human transportation and has significantly shortened the distances between countries and communities. Although aviation fatalities are statistically rare, negligence from the pilots and aircrew can lead to devasting accidents, especially when facing the wrath of mother nature.
After completing the ATSC 113 Flying modules, I feel much more knowledgeable about the weather hazards related to flying. The purpose of this portfolio is to better understand the effects of weather factors on aviation safety, on both the plane itself and the physiological conditions of the pilots.