Why It's Vital To Enroll Teens In Team-Building Games

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Teens are often labeled by society as lonely or social misfits when they seek solitude. It may arise from constant arguments, cranky moods, and other awkward behaviors. Fortunately, solitude for teens is a great thing. Within that timeframe, most have the most important conversation by themselves and know how to proceed with life.

However, for others, it takes a negative turn and falls deeper into an abyss with no way out. While finding themselves is important it's the duty of parents and guardians to give them proper tools to ensure that they make the best decisions as it dictates how their lives will go on.

Most teen issues that arise can be solved by allowing teens to let loose in a controlled yet free environment. Team building exercises for teens come in handy as what is considered deeply wrong with teenagers can be detachment issues arising from self-doubt, making everyone and everything seem strange and the enemy.

As kids, teens had developed the ability to work with others through play. The same principle can be applied to teens, but this time using team-building games for teens that are appropriate for their age.

Some of the benefits that come with the games are:


Communication is vital for everybody and especially so for teens as it's their most fragile form and what they morph into will dictate how their lives turn out to be. With team-building games for teens, the games require communication to make the game playable. The messages have to be clear for other team members to understand and take action.

The teens also find out they need to pay attention so as not to lose some important information and must pay full attention to others as they speak verbally and nonverbally. If the message is unclear or otherwise hard, they can ask to elaborate to get it right. Although at that moment it pertains to the game, the same rules apply in real life.


Most team-building games for teens are done in groups in which everyone has a specified assignment on what is expected of them. By taking turns the teens learn that it's important to be patient and cooperate towards a similar goal. The message is usually clear as any person in the group who does not cooperate often pulls the whole team back. 

Boost Self-Esteem

Teens often feel as if there are a lot of rules to follow and that people aren't as free as they seem to be.  The importance of enrolling teens in team-building games is to give them power back over small things and hopefully, it will snowball into bigger things. This comes about as the teen makes choices in the games they want to play with making them in control of what is happening to them.

As guardians, even if it seems small, letting them choose the color of banners and overall design is important. It's vital to refrain from making decisions on the day and even ask them to help pick out what kinds of snacks they would like. The responsibility eventually will make them seek to help out as they feel that their input is valuable. 

Idea Exchange

Teens often view the world differently from their parents as they are from a different generation. What is popular and considered normal may seem old and outdated to teens. Teens' nonchalant attitude often makes them view obstacles differently and will automatically try and find alternative ways to solve a problem.

In the team-building games for teens, any mystery printed is met with multiple ideas from different teens. Often they have to discuss each, offering input on what will work best and trying it out. If they fail, they try again and are willing to hear everyone out to find the solution.

What makes it more fun is having time projects whereby they have to complete a task in a given timeframe. With diversity ensured in the games offered, guardians or planners are rest assured that some of the games will interest the teens.


Only while placed in a position to showcase their talents can teens rise to the occasion and lead others.  Previously isolating themselves and talking very little, given the opportunity some teens do shine and take reigns on what to do.

With the games, leadership situations are created to make sure that everyone has a chance of having a leadership role. Ultimately even after the event is over and the teens feel they have done a great job, they will willingly seek out leadership roles.

When working on setting the date for the event, it's normal to get some resistance at first. However, making it sound fun and more importantly, something they don't want to miss out on will make it better. Plan it within a friend group and watch out as they make it a fun filled trip.


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