Breast Enlargement - What Causes Breast Enlargement?

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Breast enlargement is an abnormal increase in breast size. It can be caused by a number of things, including genetics, hormonal changes and drug use. It’s common in both men and women. It’s not a serious medical problem, but it can be embarrassing for some people. Your doctor may be able to find the cause of your enlarged breasts and help you manage them.


Breast Enlargement occurs in response to hormones released during puberty and pregnancies. It also can be caused by a medical condition. In both girls and boys, breast development is the first sign of puberty. It occurs when hormones are released by the ovaries, causing fat to accumulate and enlarge the breasts. The growth of the breasts and duct system continues throughout life. Hormones influence development of the lobules and mammary glands, as well as the size of the milk ducts.

As females age, their estrogen levels decline and the mammary glands shrink. Occasionally, fat may fill in the space, resulting in sagging breasts and nipples.


Breast augmentation (also called augmentation mammoplasty) is a surgical procedure to enlarge your breasts. It can be used to reshape breasts that have been damaged by surgery or cancer; as part of a gender affirmation procedure; or for cosmetic reasons. Implants are made of sterile salt water or silicone and are inserted into your breast tissue, or behind the pectoralis chest muscles, to change their shape. The size of the implants can be customized to your specific body.

Saline implants are filled with sterile salt water; they have been the most common type for decades. Silicone-filled implants are also available, but these are less commonly used. During the surgery, your surgeon will make an incision through which they can separate your breast tissue from the surrounding muscles and connective tissues of the chest wall. They will insert the implant into this pocket, which is usually behind or in front of your outer chest muscle, and center it behind your nipple.


The results of breast augmentation are typically long-lasting and aesthetically pleasing. While it can take a few weeks to fully recover from surgery, it's a small price to pay for a more youthful, sexier appearance. The surgeons at Naples Plastic Surgery are skilled at addressing your concerns and helping you achieve the look you have always wanted.

There are several things you can do to increase your cup size without undergoing any invasive procedures. For starters, practice good posture by standing up straight, keeping your head held high, and drawing your shoulders back. In addition, you should make a point to drink plenty of water to keep your breasts healthy. This will help prevent a host of problems down the road, including breast lumps and swelling. The best way to get a more confident and appealing appearance is to talk to the experts at Naples Plastic Surgery today. The doctors can answer all of your questions and help you find the right procedure for you! Increasing your intake of calories or exercising regularly can help reduce Breast Enlargement.



If you have mismatched breasts, cosmetic surgery can help you make them appear more symmetrical. The cost of this procedure varies from clinic to clinic and patient to patient. The cost of breast augmentation is largely determined by the type of procedure used, the surgeon’s fee and the other surgical materials necessary to perform the surgery. Other costs, such as prescriptions for medications, medical tests, surgical facility or hospital expenses and anesthesia fees are also built into the final price.

Breast implants are the most common form of augmentation surgery. They consist of sterile saline or silicone gel, which is placed into the breast tissue through a small incision in the underarm or behind the breast. The exact price of a breast augmentation procedure depends on the type of implant used, the size and position of the breasts, and whether a breast lift is performed. A breast lift improves the contour of sagging breasts by removing excess skin and repositioning the nipple back into a more optimal location.

Final Word

Women and men can develop enlarged breasts for a variety of reasons. Genetics, body weight, and hormone levels can all affect breast size. Hormonal changes during puberty, pregnancy, and childbirth can also lead to increased breast growth

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