Welding Wire: Understanding the Impact of Moisture on Weld Quality

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Welding is a fine process where seemingly minor things can drastically affect the quality of the final weld. One such factor is moisture. Moisture contamination in welding wire is a bane to the robustness of your weld project causing defects that can severely debase your weld integrity. At Udo. Here at innovation-concept.co.th we appreciate more than anybody that guidelines with respect to weld quality are stringent. In this article, we take a look at how moisture impacts on welding wire negatively and some bread-and-butter tips to keep it in mind and under control (3 minute read).

Why Moisture is Detrimental to Welding Wire

  1. Because welding wire (some more than others, like flux-cored wire) is hygroscopic by nature - which is a fancy way to say it absorbs moisture! Aluminum wire with high humidity content used in welding will cause a number of problems:
  2. Porosity - moisture becomes trapped in the welding wire and transforms into steam or hydrogen gas as welding occurs Such gasses can be entrapped in the weld metal, producing voids or pores. Porosity causes to reduce the strength of the weld joint and badly affects the load carrying capacity in some other cases due to this can make leakages occur in pressure vessels or pipelines.
  3. Hydrogen Embrittlement: At the same time, hydrogen absorbed by the weld metal can cause a phenomenon known as hydrogen Structural Welding embrittlement. More resistant to the weld (including crack) brittle, especially high-strength steels.
  4. Poor Weld Strength: Wet contaminants can also degrade the quality of a weld, which means that it may have lesser tensile strength and ductility. This dramatically shortens the fatigue life of the welded joint.
  5. Moisture: Moisture contaminated olefins creates a poor arc stability, affecting weld penetration, excess spatter and an overall decreased quality of the welding process.

Preventing Moisture Contamination in Welding Wire

  • Maintaining Storage: Welding wire should be kept in a dry, ventilated area. Never put it on the floor or in a damp place. Keep your unused wire stored in airtight containers or desiccators.
  • Bake Out: If there is suspicion that the welding wire has absorbed moisture, bake out as recommended by the manufacturer. Baking eliminates humidity and thus improves the functioning of the wire.
  • FIFO (First-In, First-Out): Implement a FIFO system for the use of welding wire and make sure that the oldest wire is used first followed by new wire in order to reduce exposure time to moisture as much as possible.
  • Do Not Unwrap Before Time: Only unwrap welding wire packages when you are ready to use. This minimizes exposure of wire to the atmosphere.
  • Select Low-Hydrogen Wire: If it is critical to your application low-hydrogen welding wire can be used; it was designed to keep moisture absorption as low as possible.

Identifying Moisture-Related Welding Problems

  • Identify these signs of moisture in your welding wire:
  • Porosity in the Weld: Holes or voids within the welded bead.
  • Too much spatter: excessive amounts of spatter when welding

Erratic Arc: it is difficult to control the welding arc.

Weld or HAZ cracking: This type of defect is observed as very tiny cracks in the weld or heat-affected zone(ViewGroup of metal creates heat by welding).

Udo. By co.th : Welding Success Partner

At udo , we are reputed for delivering nothing short of top-quality welding wire or equipment that meets high standards of quality. So we know how critical it is to keep them moisture contamination-free, and offer a comprehensive range of low-hydrogen welding wires and protective packaging.


We hear you, moisture might not sound like a big deal, but when it comes to weld quality, that minor quirk can turn into something major. Understanding how moisture can be harmful, and taking steps to prevent exposure, will help maintain the strength and quality of your welds.

Note: Welders and purchasing departments, looking for high-quality welding wire? Explore our wide selection of top brands and types at https://www.udo.co.th/category_product/กลุ่มลวดเชื่อม. Find the perfect solution for your welding needs today!


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