1. Surface Analysis Chart

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Surface Analysis ChartLinks to an external site.: This map from the Aviation Weather Web Site (AWWS) presents forecasts of low pressure centers, high pressure centers, and fronts. 

Knowing if a pressure system is moving into an area is very useful for predicting what the weather will be like in that area. For example, low pressure systems are associated with bad weather - these include strong winds, cold temperatures, and heavy precipitation. High pressure systems, on the other hand, are associated with good weather - these include light/calm winds and clear skies.

The map also shows the locations of frontal systems, which each bring their own characteristic weather conditions. In general, fronts are associated with low pressure systems, as can be seen in the map below. As such, low pressure systems are much less desirable than high pressure systems when planning a dog walk. 

(In the image below, a surface analysis of Canada for 2018-03-21, 12:00 UTC is shown. The location of British Columbia is indicated by a red box.)


(Screenshot of a surface analysis chart of Canada, taken 2018-03-21 from the Aviation Weather Web Site (AWWS)Links to an external site.)

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