Planning Pack

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5- Step Plan

You might be wondering how what to actually consider when planning for your trip, should you carry on and go ahead or just cancel to stay where you are? Here are some steps you might want to consider:

Plan for ...

1. Details for travelling to and from your activity or trip location

2. Where and how long will you be staying at the location

3. Weather condition forecast and for possible hazards

4. A contingency plan in case of facing these possible or unexpected hazards

5. Being equipped with the right gear for weather and snow conditions


In order to facilitate better planning for your snow trip, here are some tips that should help.

Step 1 ~ Travelling:

 - Others should be able to trace your whereabouts:

(Photo Credit: Eberhard Grossgasteiger)

- Either travel in a group or let someone know that you would be going on your trip. Plan a meeting spot in advance in case you get separated and lose contact. If you don't have any friends or have your own reasons, you might consider finding a group online such as The Ski Gathering or a package holiday.


 - Plan the drive:

(Photo Credit: Scott Walsh)

- If travelling by public transportation, plan and check for arrival and departure times, make sure you buy tickets in advanced when necessary.

- If travelling by private transportation, check the traffic and road conditions and make sure you have winter tyres or snow chains when necessary.


Step 2 ~ Accommodation:

 - Be prepared for extended stays:

(Photo Credit: Wolfgang Lutz)

- If staying at a ski resort or chalet, do bring at least an extra day of clothing in case of unforeseen circumstances.

- If not staying at a ski resort or chalet, do bring at least an extra day of clothing just to be safe.

- For convenience, you should consider if the resort is Ski-In/Ski-Out and the quality of Après Ski.


Step 3-4 ~ Itinerary:

- Refer to Weather Forecasts and Potential Hazards to aid in your understanding of some possible hazards and forecasts.

- Make sure you have accounted for the predicted weather conditions and any conditions close to the prediction in case of any change in weather.

- Visit any available website for the location you would be going to - Pay attention to any new announcements or even promotions!

- Be aware of the possible hazards that may be faced during your trip.

- Take counter-measures for the possible hazards.

- Make sure you are well-equipped for your trip and have the appropriate gear.

- Know the relevant mountain rescue emergency numbers.

- Know Your Level! Many Ski Resorts recommend different areas and elevations according to your skill level. Take Lessons if necessary!

- Know when to call it quits! Exhaustion and fatigue increases the risk of potential accidents when your cencentration slips. Even if you're having fun, you could always come back another day.

- Pay attention to anny closures or warning signs! This usually means there are potential hazards that are emphasised for good reason.

*Tip - Exercise and keeping fit before and after skiiing and snowboarding increases the overall experience. You would want the stamina for the fun you're getting.

Step 5 ~ Gear:

- Base Layers

- Keep your body and core temperature warm

Glove and glove liners

- When you take off your gloves to maybe use your phone, at least you still have that glove liner

- Clothes

- You can't forget to wear clothes

- Winter Jacket

- Protect you from low temperatures and strong winds

- Goggles

- Eye protection and maintain your visibility in different fog or lighting conditions

- Helmet

- Got to protect your head

- Balaclava

- Full head protection

- Ear Warmer

- Ears are very sensitive and it is also important to keep them warm

- Scarf

- Keep your neck warm

- Winter Hat

- For the times when your helmet is off

- Socks

- Ski socks or any other insulated socks that is preferably waterproof

- Boots

- A good pair of boots is essential in snow conditions

- Stay Hydrated

- Have a good source of hydration such as a hydration pack

- Emergency kit

- Keep a few emergency items with you such as a torch and even a communication device such as your phone or battery pack

- Snacks

- Keep a little snack or energy bar just in case you get hungry or you ever need to ration

- Ski & Ski Poles/Snowboard

- You could always rent these but one absolutely can't ski or snowboard without it (Remember to properly maintain your equipment!)

- Sunscreen/Moisturiser/Lip Balm

- You would be suprised how your lips and skin may be sensitive to harsh conditions. You don't need it but you would want it.

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