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Hello there!

My name is Julia, and this is my ePortfolio focused on Visual Flight Rules (VFR) and other related information that is helpful when planning a trip.

I have chosen to build my portfolio based on Visual Flight because flying VFR is very enjoyable since you get to see incredible sceneries from the air. But on the other hand, flying VFR requires very specific weather conditions in order to ensure the safety of the flight.

Different weather conditions can affect the flight and thus the pilot needs to consider some of the factors such as visibility, cloud coverage, and many more that can potentially pose hazards to the flight. Therefore, I have compiled several different links that are consist of information regarding VFR specifically as a useful tool for anyone who is planning to fly VFR.

Let's get started! 


Photo credit: https://www.accentinns.com/blog/top-4-reasons-float-plane-ride/


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