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Welcome to my E-portfolio everyone! 

My name is Matthew Yung, and I will be introducing one of my favourite sports to you all today, beach volleyball.

Beach volleyball is a form of volleyball that is essentially the same as indoor volleyball, but is played (as the name suggests) on a beach! Another major difference is that beach volleyball is typically played in teams of 2, opposed to indoor, which is played in teams of 6. It may be surprising to hear that beach volleyball (particularly in Vancouver) is incredibly popular and a widely played sport, rivalling even indoor volleyball. But why would someone choose to play beach volleyball instead of indoor? For one, it is always nice to get some fresh air and play your favourite sport outside. Someone may also choose to branch out to beach volleyball so they can improve their skills for indoor volleyball. Finally, it is a great way to meet other players and friends as there are countless beach volleyball tournaments during the summer. Even without an organized event, it can be played at one of Vancouver's many beaches as there are typically beach volleyball nets already set up.

Beach Volleyball for Beginners - Volleyball Tips


However, as beach volleyball is played outside, weather conditions greatly affects whether or not it is safe to participate, which brings us to the purpose of this e-portfolio! I hope that by the end of this everyone reading will have a better understanding of the sport as well as some important things to think about before playing in regards to weather hazards. Additionally, I will be providing some tips and resources that could be useful before your next beach volleyball outing. 


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