Additional Links and Weather Resources

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Here are some more resources that you can use whenever you want to head down to the beach and start playing some volleyball. Always look additional resources online before making your Go/No-Go decision; taking a looking outside can be helpful, but the weather at the beach can be very different from the weather outside your house and simply looking outside is not always the best gauge for if it is safe to go out. Each of these websites will provide some information that can help you determine whether the conditions are favourable or not and plan out your day to ensure you have the best beach volleyball experience possible. 

  • Environment Canada 7-Day Forecast: Environment Canada is a reliable website that can give you a general idea of weather conditions for the next week. It can be helpful when trying to plan ahead or deciding which day of the week is the best for going to the beach. There is a lot of information on the website, with everything including wind to visibility. Be sure to compare to other websites before making your Go/No-Go decision! 
  • The Weather Network: This is a fantastic and quick resource to take a first glance at what the conditions looks like. I personally love The Weather Network because you can look at many of Vancouver's beaches (Kitsilano Beach is linked in this example), so it allows you to get a better idea of the weather at whatever beach you're planning to head to. It also tells you whether the beach is open/closed and other useful information. 
  • Windy App : If you hate playing beach volleyball in wind (or love it), this website is for you! It provides of reading of winds in specific areas that is both concise and easy to digest, including details on wind direction, speed, and more. There is also a live wind map which can really help you get a better understanding of the wind conditions! 
  • Wind Finder: This is another helpful wind resource that can give you more detailed information on the wind at particular beaches. For the most part, it has the same information as Windy App, but it can be helpful to compare and make sure the information is consistent. It even tells you the wind speed at nearby beaches if you are trying to compare between nearby locations! 
  • General Beach Resources: Although this is not specifically for beach volleyball, here is a government website that provides information about beach safety and have to prepare for a beach day. As beach volleyball is spent, well, on the beach, it can be very helpful to know what you generally need to bring and ways to stay safe while having fun. This website includes videos and readings and has a lot of content, so go through it as you please!
  • Vancouver Beach Volleyball Leagues: This is not a weather resource, but it is super helpful if you are looking to find leagues for some organized beach volleyball play. There are plenty of options that you can pick for any skill level, and you can even register as an individual to get matched in a team if you can't find any willing friends to play with you. Alternatively, you can register as a team and dominate the beach volleyball courts together! Extensive beach volleyball rules and common FAQs can also be found on the website.
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